Welcome Job Seekers (limited hiring at this time)

At Strive Staffing, we are deeply committed to bringing quality employment opportunities to underserved populations. Our 2nd chance mission lies at the core of our values, as we believe in providing individuals with a fresh start and a chance to rebuild their lives. We understand that everyone deserves an opportunity to thrive, regardless of their past mistakes or circumstances. By partnering with us, you not only gain access to a reliable and skilled workforce, but you also become a part of our mission to create a more inclusive and supportive workforce.

While our primary focus is on 2nd chance employment, our commitment extends beyond just one segment of the population. We firmly believe in diversity and equal opportunity for all individuals. By fostering an inclusive workplace that welcomes individuals from different backgrounds and experiences, we create a dynamic and enriching environment for both employees and employers. Our dedication to sourcing and vetting quality candidates ensures that you receive the best talent, regardless of their background. We understand that a diverse workforce brings fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and increased productivity, which benefits businesses of all kinds.

So whether you're a 2nd chance hire, someone from an underserved population, or an individual seeking employment opportunities without any specific background, Strive Staffing is here to support you. We are committed to helping individuals reach their full potential, providing them with the necessary resources, support, and guidance to succeed. Join us in creating a positive impact on communities, breaking down barriers, and building a more inclusive and prosperous future. Together, we can make a difference.


What People Are Saying about working with Strive Staffing